Cancer - the word in itself is such a word which really scares anybody away. It can happen to anyone. Statistics say that by the year 2020 every family will have a member stricken by cancer. That fast is the growth rate and percentage rate of cancer.
One most important aspect of this disease is its prevention. it’s truly known that " Prevention is always better than Cure". Though the disease not only makes the person depressed but it’s a disease which affects the whole family psychologically.
Here at 21st Century hospital, Vapi, 3C cancer Center headed by Dr. Akshay Nadkarni has successfully been treating Cancer patients for 7 years now. It is the only center which has surgical facilities ( open and laparoscopic ) operations are done, chemotherapy facilities, and a team which counsels for cancer prevention (counselor).
All cancers like head and neck ( oral, tongue, thyroid, parathyroid, larynx, etc ), GI cancers ( stomach, intestines, rectum etc ) Gynaec ( cervix, ovary, endometrium, vagina, vulva, Breast etc ). And other rare cancers have been dealt by Dr. Akshay Nadkarni and his team efficiently and successfully.
According to Dr. Akshay, he says “ Nip the bud in the vice“.
Every single vice, habits have to be nipped at the correct time which can prevent any patient from seeing a bad day. A patient's ailments are all related to his die-hard habits like smoking, tobacco chewing, drinking, etc and such things are responsible for his final doom.
According to a study published Online First by The Lancet, breast, cervical and stomach cancers are responsible for the majority of cancer deaths among women in India, while lung, oral ( mouth ) and stomach cancers are the leading causes of cancer death in Indian men.
All of these are definitely preventable and treatable if diagnosed at early stages of development ( stage 1/2).
There are various methods for diagnosis. So there is a need for a routine whole body check up yearly which should be done on a regular timely basis.
Blood tests, XRays, mammographies, Pap smears, sonographies, special hormonal assays help to detect any abnormalities fast and hence treat fast.
Most of them need surgeries which are now possible by keyhole ( laparoscopy ) mode.
This results in faster recovery, better prognosis, and better convalescence.
- 3C Cancer Center
21st Century hospital Hospitals
Vapi, Pardi, Valsad, Surat